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Middle Egypt Attraction

Setu I Temple


The temple of Seti I, is extremely well preserved and is famous for the splendid paintings it contains.Excavated by Auguste Mariette, the temple was erected in memory of the pilgrimage Seti I made to Abydos: continued by his son Ramses II, it washowever never finished... Read More


White Monastery


Out from the city of Sohag, lies a few interesting, yet modest, monasteries. Their names, the "Red" and the "White" are effective in creating visitors' interests. White Monastery is names so for the limestone walls of the surviving church, which in some ways resembles a pylons of a Pharaonic.... Read More


El Ashmunein


The ruins of El Ashmunein (the Greek Agora) is a very well-preserved site in Minya. El Ashmunein (Ancient Hermopolis) is located about 56 km southwest of Minya. It was the capital of the Fifteenth (Hare) Nome of Upper Egypt, but in ancient times was it was one of the great Egyptian ..... Read More



Akhmim is among the weirdest sites from Ancient Egypt. You drive along crowded and dusty roads in the large town of Akhmim, then suddenly, in a large hole in the ground, you see the head of a grand female statue. It is in size quite similar to those of Ramses 2, but this one is of ...... Read More

Tell El-Amarna


Amarna or Tell el-Amarna today was the city of Akhetaten (The Horizon of the Aten). In the fifth year of his reign, Akhenaten (Amenhotep IV, 1352-1336 BC) moved the royal residence to a previously uninhabited site in Middle Egypt. It was created for his revolutionary religion..... Read More

Red Monastery


The Red Monastery is a Coptic Orthodox monastery named after an Egyptian saint called Pishay (who is not to be confused with the famous Saint Pishoy). It is located near the Upper Egyptian city of Souhag, and about four Km north west of the White Monastery..... Read More

Temple of Hathor


Temple of Hathor at Dendera was built in the 1st century B.C through Roman times. Hathor temple was dedicated to the wife of the god Horus “goddess Hathor”, whose name (literally Hathor) means 'the dwelling of Horus", and she is often shown as a sacred cow..... Read More

Tuna El-Gebal


The Ancient Egypt site of Tuna el-Gebel borders Amarna. It is a little over four miles west of Hermopolis and just west of the modern village of Deirut. It was the necropolis of Khmun (Hermopolis Magna). It is located in El Minya Governorate in Middle Egypt on the edge..... Read More

Beni Hassan Tombs


The village of Beni Hassan, named after an old Arab Tribe, lies on the Eastern Bank of the Nile, 20 km south of the city of Al-Minya. It houses 39 rock-cut tomb decorated with scenes depicting local and regional life during the Middle Kingdom. ..... Read More


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